Police use forensic genetic genealogy to solve crimes

Cold case investigators have turned to forensic genetic genealogy to try to identify potential suspects from DNA in public databases like ancestry sites that have tens of millions of users worldwide.

In fact, this fairly new technique is how Bryan Kohberger was named as a suspect in the University of Idaho killings. It was also how the Golden State killer, Joseph James DeAngelo Jr., was caught.

So far, more than 400 cases have been solved using forensic genealogy, according to a report by The Institution of Engineering and Technology.

The problem is that it’s expensive for local law enforcement agencies.

Full story: Police use forensic genetic genealogy to solve crimes

One Reply to “Police use forensic genetic genealogy to solve crimes”

  1. This article discusses the use of genetic data from ancestry websites and other databases to identify suspects in cold cases. The use of genetic data from websites in order to solve these old cases is arguably a good use. But pertaining to our discussions in class, should police agencies have access to this information? Is this an invasion of privacy? While there are benefits such as how the Golden State Killer was identified, what are the downsides? Does law enforcement need the ability to access genetic information even if it helps catch a criminal? Should law enforcement continue to use this method with no limitations?

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