Training center opponents torch patrol car outside officer’s home | Georgia Public Broadcasting

Atlanta Police are searching for two opponents of the city’s controversial public safety training center who set fire to an officer’s patrol car outside his home in Lakewood Heights.

The incident occurred before dawn on Saturday morning. Several social media accounts connected to the “Stop Cop City” movement claimed responsibility and said more acts of civil disobedience were forthcoming.

At a Saturday night press conference, Police Chief Darin Schierbaum said investigator’s obtained search warrants and raided a home on Harper Road in southeast Atlanta looking for the two suspects related to the arson.

Full story: Training center opponents torch patrol car outside officer’s home | Georgia Public Broadcasting

3 Replies to “Training center opponents torch patrol car outside officer’s home | Georgia Public Broadcasting”

  1. The events described in this article are just one of the many examples of the push back that our police force receives. The Stop Cop City movement is not the first of its kind. There have been all kinds of rallies and movements to try and either defund the police or present opposition to certain proceedings. The question here should be where we are going to draw the line and what is to be done in cases such as these. We, as a society, have a right to speak out against things we don’t agree with or like but taking action on these things is where the issue arises. It is unacceptable that things like this are taking place. Actions such as the arsons taking place around Atlanta are endangering the public and disproportionately aggressive to the actions from the other side, the building of a training facility. When will crimes such as these stop and what can be done to not only lessen the tension in Atlanta but across the country.

    1. Rebecca, I agree with you. How are we going to prevent these dangerous and irresponsible acts? We need to be protesting in a respectful way, not by means of destruction. While, in America we have the right to protest we need to protest in a respectful manner. To your point of having a right to speak out about things we do and don’t agree with, we as a society need to find ways to respect and voice our opinions. These acts of arson and other crimes are not the way. How are we as a society going to stop these events?

  2. How are as a society moving forward? Why are we resulting in arson as a means for protest? This means of protest is in the wrong direction. We should be protesting in a respectful way, not by destroying property. While, in America we have the right to protest we need to protest in a respectful manner. What if someone were to have gotten hurt? These acts of protest are dangerous and irresponsible to the public. We need to find ways to prevent these acts from happening. These acts are happening all around the world, not just in Atlanta. How are we going to stop these events?

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